Learning Connect

An Instructional System For Raising Student Achievement



ENTICE is an important teaching step in getting students' focus and attention by activating prior knowledge.



Transform surface learning into a deep, successful learning event by using direct interventions.



Generate, compare and connect with the new knowledge received using engaging encounters.



EMBRACE is the final step for reflecting, connecting and retaining the knowledge gained.




Welcome to Learning Connect

LEARNING CONNECT is a patented, research-based educator’s tool containing learning approaches that create more and deeper connections.  The largest struggle for teachers is learning how to create and implement effective learning strategies for ALL students with limited time and resources.  Learning Connect is a "Virtual Teaching Assistant" for instructional planning.  It allows teachers to access and parallel successful student learning retention tools with their current lessons to create long-lasting deep connections.  Teachers using Learning Connect saw achievement scores double in one semester spanning from January to May.

LEARNING CONNECT provides a refined learning process for engaging students and elevating student learning.  It activates learning and processing skills to generate deep learning experiences and increase long-term memory and retrieval during the lesson.

LEARNING CONNECT infuses proven comprehension and retention techniques that ensure an increase in student achievement. It promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills that keep students engaged.  It employs group work to create opportunities for leadership and improve communication skills.  The optional infusion of a voice activated tool helps students reflect and retain the content.

LEARNING CONNECT gets students career ready for today’s world.

Did you know?  In the average secondary classroom:

  • “Up to sixty percent of all high school students do not have the skills to comprehend the reading material in the average classroom” (Hock & Deschler, 2003).
  • “As much as 50% of the knowledge is being lost within 20 minutes” (LaBonty & Danielson, 2005).
  • “Too often, information deemed important is taught just once and the students are expected to remember for a lifetime" (Sousa, 2011).
  • Study sheets are being used abundantly in classrooms across our nation knowing or not knowing that “answering study questions require only low-level recognition” (Goodwin 2014).
  • “Without comprehension and retention intervention, only minimal learning results are being achieved and surface learning is being generated" (LaBonty & Danielson, 2005).
  • “Students who do not know or use good learning strategies often learn passively and ultimtely fail in school” (KU Center for Research on Learning, 2015).

LEARNING CONNECT helps teachers infuse the same tools and techniques that successful learners use to understand and learn new material or skills.

Hock, Michael F and Deshler, Donald D. "'No Child Leaves Behind Teen Reading Proficiency." The Education Digest 69.4 (2003): 27-35
Goodwin, Bryan. (04, 2014). Research Says/Teach Critical Thinking to Teach Writing. Educational Leadership. ASCD. April 2014. Volume 71. Number 7
KU Center for Research on Learning. (2015). Learning Strategies. The University of Kansas
LaBonty, J. & Danielson, K.E. (2005). Writing Poems to Gain Deeper Meaning in Science. Middle School Journal, 36(5), 30-3
Sousa, David A. (2011) Memory, Retention and Learning.  How the Brain Learns. Chapter 3, pages 119 and 120. Corwin Press.


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