learning connect
- A computerized, student-driven instructional system designed to raise student achievement.
- An online instructional system embedded with over 60 researched-based instructional practices that have been proven to raise student learning.
- An online instructional system consisting of over 100 plus STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT TOOLS that can be infused IMMEDIATELY and CONSISTENTLY within the classroom. Each teacher-facilitated LEARNING CONNECT tool is designed to activate the learning and processing skills when teaching the content.
Why is this important?
“Research claims that as many as 85 to 90 percent of learning difficulties in the classroom are due to poor underlying learning and processing skills.”
“Research clearly tells us that each learning and processing skill must make a contribution and needs to function well for overall learning to be easy, fast and successful.”
“Unfortunately, findings also show that most teachers do not teach the strategies students need to comprehend and learn.” (Durkin, 1978–1979; Pressley, Wharton-McDonald, Mistretta, & Echevarria, 1998) (Gaskins, 2009).
How did LEARNING CONNECT originate?
If we logged the many available strategies known to improve the learning and processing skills?
(Improve Focus and Concentration Skills, Memory Skills, Listening and Reading Skills, Speaking and Writing Skills, Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills, Planning, Process and Procedures Skills, Social and Collaboration Skills)
If we logged all the strategies that have been scientifically proven to increase student achievement?
On the National Level, we receive one, two or more of these silver bullets are given to us each year. They are duplicated, repackaged and given a new initiative name.
National Initiative Example – No Child Left Behind DIRECTIVES -
Dr. Robert Marzano – What Works in Classroom Instruction (2000)
- Infuse comparisons, contrasts, classifications, analogies and metaphors – 45%
- Infuse summarizing and note-taking – 34%
- Infuse (Problem-solving) - generating and testing hypotheses – 23%
- Activate Prior Knowledge – 22%
- Infuse graphic organizers, pictures, kinesthetic activity) – 27%
- (Project Learning) - Set goals and provide feedback – 23%
- Increase Vocabulary – 33%
- Increase Practice – 28%
- Use Cooperative Learning – 27%
“The success of (effective) STRATEGIES INSTRUCTION depends on INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORTS being incorporated into the instruction if the use of strategies is to become HABITUAL for students.”
If we aligned all these student achievement tools within the instructional planning process for easy lesson-planning?
The LEARNING CONNECT student achievement tools (Instructional Support Tools) have been appropriately aligned within the instructional planning process. There are tools to ENTICE, to ENLIGHTEN, to ENGAGE or EMBRACE the content provided.
If we took all these proven strategies (DIRECTIVES) and created student achievement tools that could be infused with the content with ease and convenience?
Learning Connect does not change or replace subject content. It elevates the teacher to become a true facilitator of learning during the instructional phases of ENTICE, ENLIGHTEN, ENGAGE AND EMBRACE.
WHAT WOULD HAPPEN? ..... "The more the brain is activated when learning something, the more connections are made."
Fentress, Holly. (n.d.) Brain-Based Research. Brainhoven.
Stephen Luke, author of the Power of Strategy Instruction, says that:
“Good learners take very specific and systematic actions that less effective learners typically do not.
Research demonstrates that students can be taught to use strategies that they have not developed themselves through effective teaching strategies.
Strategy instruction supplies students with the same tools and techniques that efficient learners use to understand and learn new materials and skills. It moves instruction from surface learning to deep learning by connecting the meaning and implication of what is learned."
Luke, Stephen D. Ed.D. (10/2010 Update) Evidence for Education, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2006. The Power of Strategy Education. Center for Parent Information and Resources.
According to KU Center of Learning Research:
"Students who do not know or use good learning (and processing) strategies often learn passively and ultimately fail in school."
KU Center for Research on Learning. (2015) Learning Strategies. The University of Kansas.
According to Dr. Irene Gaskins, Educational Leader and Author claims that:
“In order for the United States to produce young people who are well prepared to succeed in whatever they undertake, every teacher at every grade level in every domain must become a strategies teacher. Strategies instruction needs to be adopted across the curriculum and throughout schools and school districts. It needs to begin when children enter school and continue through 12th grade.”
Gaskins, Irene. (December 23, 2009 Update). Strategies Instruction. Education.com.
Learning Connect Updates: Learning Connect has provided a preview of the upcoming tools to be available in the future. They are listed below:
PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS – A series of tools ranging from establishing leadership roles and project goals, to creating project action plans and stakeholder presentations.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP TOOLS – A series of tools for students to begin their journey of constructing their own personal Small Business Portfolio, brick by brick, as a pre-requisite to an actual business plan.
CAREER TOOLS – Five Year Time Capsule to establishing career goals is available. Tools for Job Interviewing and Workplace Success are in the future.
WRITING TEMPLATE TOOLS – A series of current writing templates are available from pre-writing planning, opinion writing to storytelling and technical writing.
All these drafts will be continually modified, eventually published and aligned with Alexa to ensure successful implementation in the classroom. Any current classroom implementation and feedback from a classroom experience would be appreciated.