The Learning Connect instructional tools have several symbols and abbreviations noted on the front of each tool. Many of these number and letters are for housekeeping and organization within the Learning Connect instructional system.
However, it may prove helpful to understand the designated symbols for each learning and processing skill, noted on each tool. Please refer to the following Tool Classification document for further explanation of the symbols, numbers and abbreviations used.
Learning Connect Updates: Learning Connect has provided a preview of the upcoming tools to be available in the future. They are listed below:
PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS – A series of tools ranging from establishing leadership roles and project goals, to creating project action plans and stakeholder presentations.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP TOOLS – A series of tools for students to begin their journey of constructing their own personal Small Business Portfolio, brick by brick, as a pre-requisite to an actual business plan.
CAREER TOOLS – Five Year Time Capsule to establishing career goals is available. Tools for Job Interviewing and Workplace Success are in the future.
WRITING TEMPLATE TOOLS – A series of current writing templates are available from pre-writing planning, opinion writing to storytelling and technical writing.
All these drafts will be continually modified, eventually published and aligned with Alexa to ensure successful implementation in the classroom. Any current classroom implementation and feedback from a classroom experience would be appreciated.
Preparing Students to Succeed . . .
“In order for the United States to produce young people who are well prepared to succeed in whatever they undertake, every teacher at every grade level in every domain must become a strategies teacher. Strategies instruction needs to be adopted across the curriculum and throughout schools and school districts. It needs to begin when children enter school and continue through 12th grade.”
Gaskins, Irene. (December 23, 2009 Update). Strategies Instruction. Education.Com.